Monday, September 13, 2010

There's a reason why feminism still exists

1893 - Women are first give the right to vote in Colorado.
1903 - The National Women's Trade Union League is established to improve wages and working conditions for women.
1919 - The federal woman suffrage amendment, introduced to Congress in 1878, is finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate.
1920 - The Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor is formed to monitor women in the workplace, collecting information and safeguarding working conditions.
August 26, 1920 - The 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote, becomes law thanks to Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby.

Looks like we got everything we wanted, right? So then why are there still raging feminists out there today? It's because on paper it appears that women are treated just as fairly as men, but that doesn't mean that socially they have any greater standing whatsoever.

Sure we've come a long way, but as far as society goes, women still have not reached the point where they are at the same level as men. There are women CEOs and females who have worked their way to the top, but you don't see them in the spotlight nine out of ten times. It's always their male counterparts sucking up the glory. There still has yet to be a female president (not that the candidates so far have been all that great), but who has really given us a chance to break through up there? Not men.

I don't know where the idea that men are better than women originally came from came from, but I do know that it is completely bogus. In many ancient societies (Sparta, Egypt, Native American culture, etc.) women were the main foundation for how they lived and thrived, making them equal to, and in some cases better than, men. Without women, most societies never would have flourished. There were even societies completely made up of only women that found ways to thrive until dying out from lack of reproduction.

Still, how often to you hear a guy saying, "She can't do it because she's a woman." Guys, how often do you think things like, "I don't play games with girls," or, "I'm not going to bother because she's just a girl." Well, why not? There is nothing that says men are inherently better at the stupid things they play this "better than women" card on. I know tons of girls who play Call of Duty on their own -- no boyfriend required -- and kick total ass at it. Nothing out there says that just because you have balls means that you're instantly better at sports with them.

It's upsetting when leagues like the Women's National Basketball Association or Women's Professional Soccer get knocked because they're made up of breasts and estrogen. I admit that they very well may be a bunch of lesbians running around on a court or field, but that doesn't stop them from actually being good at what they do and it certainly doesn't keep them from being able to kick the asses of most men who even tried to go up against them. I know that any one of those women could definitely beat all of my guy friends into the ground at once. Unfortunately, that doesn't really matter because they're just the butt of everyone's jokes. How fair is that?

This isn't me saying that I'm some crazed feminist that thinks all men are evil and should be castrated in their sleep. I love my boyfriend and the guys that I hang out with are usually pretty cool, but it gets old, boys. I'm just saying that the next time you wanna crack the "why don't women need to wear watches" joke, look at Chef Emeril John Lagasse instead of your 1950s picture. Just admit it: you need us.


Gene said...

Actually "on paper", women still get paid a little less than men doing the same job. In an article recently read "The workplace pay gap between men and women, once thought to be narrowing, has only been getting worse, according to an analysis of recently released census data conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research". So women still have to fight for that equality. Although you make some good points on Women's ability to thrive by themselves, it has generally always been a man's world. Take offense, I meant none. But refer to one of the most basic instincts. "Survival of the Fittest". From times of cavemen the strongest survived, so society programed itself to have the Man in charge, dominating, fighting wars. Now the real point I want to make, TIMES HAVE CHANGED. Women continue to move forward in many areas. This is a slow process,as we evolve. I agree that if a women can do a job as good as a man, she should get the equal pay. It's a big world, and change comes slow, women need to persist. Mentally you're just as good, and that is the most important thing. Physically, well we're different, you can't deny that. There are some wonderful female athletes, but they just can't compete in leagues like the NFL (maybe someday, but I doubt it).

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